Using Chrome OS
Using Chrome OS
What is Google Chrome?
Google Chrome operating system (hereinafter is all one word called Chrome OS) is suitable for the user who use a PC
mainly for internet surfing.
Chrome OS has removed the complicated functions of the existing operating systems so that the user can access
Internet quickly and easily and use the Web Store to install various apps.
As Chrome OS is a different OS from Windows and Mac OS, you need to check the following before you use it.
Classication Windows, Mac O/S Chrome OS
Drive Installation Dierent drivers are required for each
Drivers are installed automatically.
Program (app) Installation Users install programs that they want. The Google Web Store provides
Programs (apps).
OS Update Users have to set up update details. Updates automatically.
Security Update Users have to set up update details. Updates automatically.
Printing Prints from the product directly. Uses Cloud Print
Device Connection Connects devices to various extension ports Connects devices to USB ports
External ODD (CD/DVD ROM) Supported Not supported
y LG Chromebase is optimized for Chrome OS. If you install any other operating system other than Chrome OS,
you cannot have the technical support.
y In Chrome OS, you are not allowed to install Active-X and Plug-in software, and any web that uses these
software may not work properly.
y Your new or existing peripheral devices may not work with Chrome OS. Refer to the provided user manuals or
contact the manufactures to check the compatibility of those devices.
Be aware of the following for Chrome OS:
y Chrome OS supports standard codecs and may not play other videos and music formats except the standard
y Chrome OS updates the system automatically and keeps the system latest.
y A system update may start without the consent of the user.
y The screen and method to use may be dierent depending on the OS version.
y For more information on Chrome, visit the Chrome web site at http://www.google.com/chromeos.