LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966
Q. The reading is different each time I measure my temperature. Why is that?
A. The following may be the cause:
- You insert the probe into the ear in a different way (direction, depth or different ear)
each time.
- The probe tip is not clean.
- Your ear is blocked with ear wax.
Insert the thermometer in the same direction, same depth and into the same ear. Keep the
probe tip and ear clean.
Q. Why is the reading taken in the right ear different from that taken in the left ear?
A. Basically the temperature is the same in both ears, but the values may differ because
the shape and cleanness of each ear interior is different. Also, the way of inserting the
probe affects readings.
Q. Can I use this thermometer to measure an animal’s temperature?
A. No. This thermometer has been designed exclusively for people, taking the human ear
construction and human body temperature into consideration.
NOTE: If the actions described above do not solve the problem, call LifeSource
Health Line at 1-888-726-9966. DO NOT attempt to repair the device yourself.