The power for 115 volt AC auxiliary equipment can be
obtained from the 7 and 32A terminals inside the
control box. The 7 and 32A circuit is energized when
the gun trigger circuit is closed.
NOTE: The LN-7 GMA already has the factory installed
gas solenoid valve leads attached to terminals 7 and
32A. Additional auxiliary equipment connection is not
Install 1/4” quick connect terminals to the leads from
the auxiliary equipment. Route the leads through the
same hole that the motor leads pass through to the
inside of the control box and connect the terminals to
#32A and #7 on the control PC Board. Route the leads
so that they are .50” or greater away from the chassis
mounted power resistor. The current draw must NOT
exceed 1/4 ampere.
Do not connect the power source contactor to
these terminals.
NOTE: The auxiliary equipment contacts open when
the trigger is released. When the optional K418 GMA
Timer Kit is installed, the auxiliary contacts open after
the postflow time delay.
The K162-1 spindle is used for mounting Readi-Reels
and 2 in. I.D. spools with a 60 lb capacity on a K303
Wire Reel Stand. When used with Read-Reels, a
Read-Reel Adapter is required. For 8 in. O.D. spools,
a K468 Spindle Adapter is available.
The K162-1 is a high capacity design which replaces
the original K162 30 lb spindle. The K162-1 spindle
has a white spacer and has part no. M-14587-1
molded on. The original K162 spindle has a black
spacer and the part no. M14587. Parts may not be
exchanged from one design to the other.
Do not use coils or spools heavier than 30 lbs on
the original K162 spindle.
To mount the 2 in. spindle kit for Readi-Reels and 10
through 60 lb spools, remove the shaft for the standard
50-60 pound wire coils from the mounting framework.
Install the spindle per the instructions (M15241)
shipped with the spindle kit.
The undercarriage includes casters, wheels, a handle,
and related hardware. Casters are mounted at the front
and wheels at the rear of the platform. The handle is
bolted to the front of the platform so the wire feeder
can be tilted back and wheeled like a two-wheel truck.
Installation sheet M13424 is provided with the
The kit is available for those applications where the
LN-7 or LN-7 GMA is used for higher speed, fine wire
feeding (0.023 in. to 0.045 in. wire sizes) where there
is a tendency for the electrode to overrun at the end of
the weld causing “sticking” in the crater. The kit
provides a precise time delay that allows the wire to be
burned off at the end of the weld. The delay is
adjustable for optimum burnback depending on wire
size, process, procedure, etc. This kit also includes a
cold inch switch.
The K419 Burnback Kit is also useful for those
installations where the gun is clamped in a fixture and
cannot be lifted from the work at the end of the weld.
Installation and operation instructions (M15060) are
included with the kit.
LN-7 & LN-7 GMA