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Getting started with
Getting started with video calling
Your webcam comes with Logitech Vid
With Logitech Vid HD, video calling live over
the Internet takes only a few, easy steps:
•Install Logitech Vid HD
•Create an account
•Add a friend and make a video call
Learn more: http://www.logitech.com/whatisvid
Setting up Logitech Vid HD
Install Logitech Vid HD
For Windows, we recommend that you install both
the Logitech Webcam and Logitech Vid HD software.
For Mac, both the Logitech Webcam and Logitech Vid
HD software are installed together automatically.
Tip: If you prefer another video-calling application,
you will need to download and install third-party
Learn more: http://www.logitech.com/webcam_howto