
Inform Facility Manager office by phone who will depute the Security personnel or a Facility Manager/
Facility Engineer/executive on the floor where the fire is reported
Gas mask should be made available by the clients for their respective Coordinator/Marshal along
with Fire Proof / Heat Proof Gloves & Helmet
2.2 Fire Fighting
(a) Fire Extinguishers
Portable extinguishers are fitted at different locations in the common area meant to fight different types of fire –
Fire extinguisher plan on your floor is as follows: The clients must install adequate number of extinguishers in the
office space and all employees be made aware of the location and its operation.
No. Location Fire Extinguisher Class, Type and Size
01 Service stair landing of each floor, Tower-I Water CO2 - 01 (9 lit) / DCP - 01 (5 kg)
02 Service stair landing of each floor, Tower-II Water CO2 – 01 / DCP - 01
03 Main stair landing of each floor, Tower –I Water CO2 - 01
04 Main stair landing of each floor, Tower –II Water CO2 – 01 / DCP - 01
The extinguishers may be categorized further according to the type of fire for which they can be utilized. For all
practical purposes, the basic types of fire may be grouped into the following four classes –
Class “A” Fires - Fires involving combustible materials of organic nature such as wood, paper, rubber and
many plastics, etc where the cooling effect of water is essential for extinguishing fire (water CO
should be
Class “B” Fires - Fires involving flammable liquids, petroleum products, or the like, where a blanketing
effect is essential (D.C. P. or Foam should be used)
Class “C” Fires - Fires involving flammable gasses under pressure, including liquefied gasses, where it is
necessary to inhibit the burning gas at a very rapid rate with an inert gas, powder or vaporizing liquid (D. C.
P. should be used).
Class “D” Fires - Fires involving combustible metals such as magnesium, aluminum, zinc, sodium,
potassium, etc. When the burning metals are reactive to water and water-containing agents, and in certain
cases carbon dioxide, halogen hydrocarbons and ordinary dry powders. These fires require special media
and techniques before they can be extinguished.
Electrical Fires: Fires involving electrical equipments /cables etc which can be extinguished with the help of
Carbon-di-oxide type or D.C.P type extinguisher.
(b) Hose Reel
Every floor of Tower-I and Tower-II is provided with Hose Reel which contains a rubber hose of 30 meters length
and connected to the Hydrant line through a gate valve. In addition each floor is provided with a hose box which
contains canvas hose of 15 meters length and a branch pipe (nozzle).
(c) Hydrants
These Hydrant Adopters are fitted on landings at each floor on the main stairs and on the external area around
the building.
(d) Sprinklers
Floor-wise sprinkler is provided which will activate automatically when the temperature around the sprinkler
reached 68º C.