IZ4 Notice of Acceptance
Exact instructions for installing windows certified for use in Impact Zone 4 are not included in this publication. The
installer/contractor MUST install the window(s) according to detailed drawings found in the N otice of Acceptance
(NOA) to the Product C ontrol Division of the Miami--Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO). You
will be able to find the NOA drawings for each certified product on the Miami--Dade County website (exact URLs
listed below), at www.marvin.com
, or you may obtain a hard copy by contacting your Marvin representative.
07--0524.08 Clad Casemaster Polygon/RT Picture http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07052408.pdf
07--0524.06 Clad Casemaster Operating RT/Polygon http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07052406.pdf
07--0524.07 Clad Awning http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07052407.pdf
07--0306.07 Clad Casemaster Picture http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07030607.pdf
07--0524.09 Clad Casemaster Operator http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07052409.pdf
07--0924.01 Clad Direct Glaze Polygon/Round Top http://www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode/library/productcontrol/noa/07092401.pdf