Assessment Tools
Assess your incoming patients
to ensure you have the proper
lifting protocols in place.
Consider all physical and
cognitive factors to ensure
you make the right decision –
maximizing patient care and
employee safety.
Safe 'n Easy Lift Assessment
Safe 'n Easy Assessment Tool and Care Plan
General Information
Patient's Name
Assessment Date
Your Name
Your Signature (sign after printing)
I. Patient's Level of Assistance (check one)
- Patient performs task safely, with or without staff assistance, with or without assistive devices.
Partial Assist
- Patient requires no more help than stand-by, cueing, or coaxing, or caregiver is required to lift no more than 35 lbs of a patient's weight.
- Patient requires nurse to lift more than 35 lbs. of the patient's weight, or is unpredictable in the amount of assistance offered. In this case, assistive devices should be used.
II. Weight Bearing Capability (check one)
III. Bi-Lateral Upper Extremity Strength (check one)
IV. Patient's Level of Cooperation and Comprehension (check one)
- may need prompting; able to follow simply commands
Unpredictable or varies
(patient whose behavior changes frequently should be considered as "unpredictable"), not cooperative, or unable to follow simple commands
V. Weight, Height, BMI
Weight (lbs)
Height (inches)
Calculated Body Mass Index (BMI)
VI. Applicable conditions likely to affect the transfer/repositioning techniques (check all that apply)
Hip / Knee / Shoulder Replacements
Respiratory / Cardiac Compromise
History of Falls
Wounds Affecting Transfer / Positioning
Splints / Traction
Paralysis / Paresis
Severe Osteoporosis
Unstable Spine
Urinary / Fecal Stoma
Severe Pain / Discomfort
Severe Edema
Contractures / Spasms
Postural Hypotension
Very Fragile Skin
Tubes (IV, Chest, etc.)
Other Comments:
VII. Care Plan
Transfer To and From: Bed to Chair, Chair to Toilet, Chair to Chair, or Car to Chair
Lateral Transfer to and From: Bed to Stretcher, Trolley
Transfer To and From: Chair to Stretcher, or Chair to Exam Table
Reposition in Bed: Side-to-Side, Up in Bed
Reposition in Chair: Wheelchair and Dependency Chair
Transfer Patient Up from the Floor
Bariatric 1
Bariatric Transfer To and From: Bed to Chair, Chair to Toilet, or Chair to Chair
Bariatric 2
Bariatric Lateral Transfer To and From: Bed to Stretcher or Trolley
Bariatric 3
Bariatric Reposition in Bed: Side to Side, Up in Bed
Bariatric 4
Bariatric Reposition in Chair: Wheelchair, Chair, or Dependency Chair
Bariatric 5
Patient Handling Tasks Requiring Access to Body Parts (e.g., Limb, Abdominal Mass, Gluteal Area)
Bariatric 6
Bariatric Transporting (Stretcher)
Bariatric 7
Bariatric Toileting Tasks
Sling Type:
Seated (amputation)
Limb Support
Sling Size (XS, S, M, L, XL)
Additional data needed for determining slings:
Circumference Around Hips
Distance from Top of Head to Just Above Kneecap
Distance from Shoulder Blade to Just Above Kneecap
: An assessment should be made prior to each task if the patient has varying level of ability to assist due to medical reasons, fatigue, medications, etc. When in doubt, assume the patient cannot assist with the transfer/repositioning.
: if patient has a BMI of 50 or more, transfer care plan will be based on bariatric algorithms.
The presence of the following conditions are likely to affect the transfer/repositioning process and should be considered when identifying equipment and techniques needed to move the patient.
Equipment /
Assistive Device
1-800-MEDLINE | www.medline.com
Lifting Program
Patient Handling
and Movement
Developed By:
VISN 8 Patient Safety Center
11605 N. Nebraska Avenue 673/118M
Tampa, FL 33612-5738
Center Director:
Audrey Nelson, PhD, RN, FAAN
Phone: 813-558-3902
Safe ‘n Easy
Lift Policy
Safe resident/patient lifting policy is one part of a comprehensive program to reduce musculoskeletal injuries to
frontline caregivers, one of our most valuable resources. The policy recommends guidelines to ensure that the
transferring needs of all patients/residents are assessed.
All healthcare personnel responsible for transferring patients shall be aware and trained on the correct
procedures for lifting and moving patients. Adherence to this policy ensures that patients/residents are being
liftedand transferred safely while encouraging patient mobility and independence. Safe resident/patient lifting
policy is one part of a comprehensive program to reduce musculoskeletal injuries to frontline caregivers,
one of our most valuable resources. The policy recommends guidelines to ensure that the transferring needs
of all patients/residents are assessed.
All healthcare personnel responsible for transferring patients shall be aware and trained on the correct procedures
for lifting and moving patients. Adherence to this policy ensures that patients/residents are being liftedand
transferred safely while encouraging patient mobility and independence.
Safe resident/patient lifting policy is one part of a comprehensive program to reduce musculoskeletal injuries to
frontline caregivers, one of our most valuable resources. The policy recommends guidelines to ensure that the
transferring needs of all patients/residents are assessed.
All healthcare personnel responsible for transferring patients shall be aware and trained on the correct procedures
for lifting and moving patients. Adherence to this policy ensures that patients/residents are being liftedand
transferred safely while encouraging patient mobility and independence.
Customizable Lift Policy
Ensures you have a thorough
policy on record, covering
all aspects of your lift
program. Responsibilities,
equipment requirements,
and maintenance procedures
are all addressed in this
customizable policy.
Implementation Plan
Manage implementation
of your formal lifting
program through an
easy-to-use checklist.
You can designate who
is responsible and stay
on track.