• The transmitter is always rst to be turned ON, and the last to be turned OFF.
• Check to make sure the red power LED on the transmitter is glowing, if it is not, change
the transmitter batteries.
• Check to make sure the tail rotor and throttle controls are working properly.
• You MUST point your controller at the helicopter at all times to maintain accurate control.
• Natural daylight (not light bulb/indoor lighting) can aect the range and controllability
of the Whirlwind 3000.
• The Whirlwind 3000 should only be own indoors, in zero-wind conditions. Air
displacement from fans, air conditioning or even someone walking by can affect flight
1) Turn ON the transmitter rst, and then turn ON the Whirlwind 3000.
2) Place the Whirlwind 3000 on the ground approximately 5 feet in front of you.
Important: DO NOT touch any of the control sticks on the transmitter until the
Whirlwind 3000 is placed on the ground and is 5 feet from you and any onlookers.
3) Gradually increase the throttle speed by pushing the throttle control stick forward.
Continue to move the throttle control stick until the helicopter lifts off the ground.
4) To reach the altitude you desire you will need to continue to increase throttle speed
by pushing the throttle control stick forward.
5) To reduce rotor speed and decrease your altitude, decrease the throttle input by
pulling the throttle control stick back slowly. When the left control stick is pulled all
the way back the rotor blades will stop spinning.
Tip: Always gradually increase or decrease throttle speed. If you increase or
decrease the throttle speed too quickly the helicopter may crash.
6) Turning the Whirlwind 3000 is simply accomplished by pushing the tail rotor control
stick on the transmitter in the appropriate direction. To turn the helicopter to the
right, push the tail rotor control stick to the right. To turn the helicopter to the left,
push the tail rotor control stick to the left. The helicopter will continue to turn as
long as you are holding the control stick. (The helicopter will naturally fly forward
slowly so all you will be able to do is gently redirect the helicopters flight path.)