Satellite radio
Important notes
̄ Important notes
In chapter “Satellite radio”, you will find
detailed information regarding
selecting a station and a program cate-
memory functions
sound adjustments
If you have not done so already, please fa-
miliarize yourself with these functions by
reading chapter “At a glance”.
A subsription to Sirius satellite radio
service provider is required for the sa-
tellite radio operation described here.
Contact your authorized Mercedes-
Benz Center for details and availability
for your vehicle.
Note that categories and channels
shown in illustrations are dependent on
programming content delivered by the
service provider. Programming content
is subject to change. Therefore, channel
and categories shown in illustrations
and descriptions contained in this ma-
nual may differ from the channels and
categories delivered by the service pro-
Satellite radio service may be unavai-
lable or interrupted from time to time
for a variety of reasons, such as envi-
ronmental or topographic conditions
and other things we can’t control. Ser-
vice might also not be available in cer-
tain places (e.g., in tunnels, parking
garages, or within or next to buildings)
or near other technologies.
Sirius Satellite Radio provides approxi-
mately 100 channels, so called
streams, of digital-quality radio, among
others music, sports, news, and enter-
tainment commercial-free.
Sirius Satellite Radio uses a fleet of
high-power satellites to broadcast 24
hours per day, coast-to-coast, in the
contiguous U.S.
This diverse, satellite-delivered pro-
gramming is available for a monthly
subscription fee. For more information
and service availability, call the Sirius
Service Center (
page 91) or contact