The MTG-1100 top grid flies 1100-LFC arrays of up to 12 cabinets at a 7:1 safety ratio, or up to 16 cabinets at a 5:1 safety
ratio. The grid accommodates a variety of pickup configurations with six pickup points, three each on the front and rear of
the grid. The grid also includes 0.28-inch, center attachment points that accommodate brackets and adapters for lasers and
The MTG-1100 is symmetrical and its front/rear orientation does not matter when attaching to the 1100-LFC. The grid has four
bottom link slots, two on each side of the grid, that accept GuideALinks from the top cabinet in the array, which attaches at
a fixed splay angle of 0 degrees. The grid includes four 1/2 x 1.50-inch quick-release pins (red) for securing the top cabinet.
CAUTION: Always use the red quick-release pins included with the MTG-1100 top grid to secure the top cabinet
to the grid. Do not use the blue quick-release pins included with 1100-LFC in the grid as they are shorter and will
not lock in place.
CAUTION: The MTG-1100 top grid requires 7/8-inch shackles for its pickup points.
MTG-1100 Top Grid
MTG-1100 Top Grid with 1100-LFC, Exploded View