Configuring Port Settings for 802.1X 3-69
Displaying 802.1X Statistics 3-72
Filtering IP Addresses for Management Access 3-74
Access Control Lists 3-76
Configuring Access Control Lists 3-76
Setting the ACL Name and Type 3-77
Configuring a Standard IP ACL 3-77
Configuring an Extended IP ACL 3-78
Configuring a MAC ACL 3-81
Configuring ACL Masks 3-83
Specifying the Mask Type 3-83
Configuring an IP ACL Mask 3-84
Configuring a MAC ACL Mask 3-86
Binding a Port to an Access Control List 3-87
Port Configuration 3-88
Displaying Connection Status 3-88
Configuring Interface Connections 3-91
Creating Trunk Groups 3-93
Statically Configuring a Trunk 3-94
Enabling LACP on Selected Ports 3-95
Configuring LACP Parameters 3-97
Displaying LACP Port Counters 3-100
Displaying LACP Settings and Status for the Local Side 3-101
Displaying LACP Settings and Status for the Remote Side 3-103
Setting Broadcast Storm Thresholds 3-104
Configuring Port Mirroring 3-106
Configuring Rate Limits 3-107
Showing Port Statistics 3-108
Address Table Settings 3-112
Setting Static Addresses 3-112
Displaying the Address Table 3-113
Changing the Aging Time 3-115
Spanning Tree Algorithm Configuration 3-115
Displaying Global Settings 3-116
Configuring Global Settings 3-119
Displaying Interface Settings 3-123
Configuring Interface Settings 3-126
Configuring Multiple Spanning Trees 3-128
Displaying Interface Settings for MSTP 3-132
Configuring Interface Settings for MSTP 3-133
VLAN Configuration 3-135
IEEE 802.1Q VLANs 3-135
Enabling or Disabling GVRP (Global Setting) 3-138
Displaying Basic VLAN Information 3-138
Displaying Current VLANs 3-139