
HowTo-Tght (8) / How to Do Everything with Windows XP/Simmons/953-1/Front Matter
Welcome to the third edition of How to Do Everything with Windows XP! In my opinion,
Windows XP is the best operating system Microsoft has produced to date, no matter if you are
using Windows XP Home or Professional Edition, Windows XP Media Center, or Windows XP
Tablet PC. How would you like an operating system that is friendly, easy to use, makes the best
use of the Internet and digital media, and rarely—if ever—locks up or acts weird? I thought so.
Windows XP is all of these things and more. In fact, no matter what you need, Windows XP can
probably do it!
In this book’s third edition, you’ll find out about the new developments with Windows XP,
including Service Pack 2 and Media Player 10.
Seeing as the XP in Windows XP stands for experience, you might be wondering, “Then is
Windows XP right for me if I’m new to computing?” The answer: absolutely! XP provides for
a full range of experience with this new operating system. Not only is it the easiest operating
system to learn that Microsoft has ever produced—you’ll be a pro in no time—but it is also the
most powerful. If you’re just starting out, all you need is Windows XP and this book, you’ll have
the operating system mastered in no time.
Speaking of this book, How to Do Everything with Windows XP is designed to be your one-
stop source for help in using Windows XP. This book helps you get started in Chapter 1 and takes
you through everything you might want to know how to do. You’ll learn what you need to know
quickly and easily, often using a step-by-step format.
This book starts you out at the beginning:
In Part I, “Get to Know Windows XP,” you learn all about the Windows XP interface (such
as the Start menu). You also learn how to launch the computer and shut it down, manage your
computer with the Control Panel, configure system settings and folders, install applications, use
accessories, and manage hardware and printers—plus much more!
In Part II, “Get Connected,” you learn all about getting connected to the Internet with
your Windows XP computer. You’ll find out how to use Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express,
plus you’ll learn how to create a home network using Windows XP. This part also covers more
advanced networking topics, such as Remote Desktop and Windows Firewall.
In Part III, “Cool Things You Can Do with Windows XP,” we check out the fun stuff XP
provides. You learn about playing games on Windows XP, how to use the XP Media Player, and
how to use the Movie Maker tool for editing and saving your own home movies. You’ll also see
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