All specifications are warranted unless noted typical and apply to the 2216-20 DMM.
Stated accuracies are at 23°C±5°C at than 80% relative humidity and without the battery
indicator displayed.
General specifications
noitpircseD scitsiretcarahC
stnuoc 0006 tnuoc yalpsiD
ces / semit 3 etar etadpu ciremuN
citamotuA yalpsid ytiraloP
Overrange display
Display "OL" when the reading exceeds range
by 10%
Low voltage indicator is indicated
setunim 02 emit ffo-rewop citamotuA
ezis AA ro 6RL CEI 2 * V5.1 ecruos rewoP
Maximum input voltage 600V CAT lll between V and COM
Maximum floating voltage
600V CAT lll between any terminal and earth
MOC dna A neewteb A01 tnerruc tupni mumixaM
Maximum open circuit Voltage (current inputs) 600V between A and COM
Overload protection A connector 10A, 600V, Fast action fuse
V connector V , V , , , Hz
C°82> ro C°81< ,C° / )ycaruccA .cepS(×1.0 tneiciffeoC erutarepmeT
)enilakla( lacipyt sruoh 03 efiL yrettaB