M12 160x120 Thermal Imager Operator's Manual 25
Term Denition
160x120 The number of pixels (picture elements or dots) in a saved thermal image. Each pixel has a
temperature associated with it. Each thermal image is 160 pixels wide by 120 pixels high.
accuracy The guaranteed correctness of a temperature reading. For example, ± (2° or 2% of reading),
whichever is greater.
ambient temperature The surrounding background or environmental temperature around the Thermal Imager.
blackbody A blackbody absorbs all thermal radiation striking it and emits all of it back. This means that a
perfect blackbody has an emissivity of exactly 1. Surfaces that are closest to a blackbody in
real world applications are at black paint and black electrical tape. (See “emissivity.”)
battery fuel gauge A symbol on the display in the shape of a battery, with a bargraph indicating the level of
remaining charge. The more white bars showing, the more charge remaining.
brightness level Refers to the display brightness, which you can adjust in the Setup Menu.
calibrate, calibration Comparing a measurement device’s readings to a reference standard. Calibration usually
involves adjustment to correct for errors, but not always. In the Thermal Imager, an internal
reference standard calibrates the unit once per minute. Also see “Calibration interval.”
calibration interval The period of time after production or re-calibration that a measurement device’s
specications are valid --1 year for the Thermal Imager. After 1 year, contact a MILWAUKEE
Service Center for factory calibration to renew the calibration cycle.
camera Refers to the built-in visual image digital camera.
camera lens Refers to the front optical element in the built-in visual digital image camera, located between
the ashlight LEDs below the Thermal Imager lens. This is a xed-focus lens – no adjustment