ISM105R1 11/03
Release the button and the
message “7.01 pH USE”
(or “6.86 pH USE” for NIST
buffer set) will be displayed.
• The meter automatically recognizes the
buffer value: if a valid buffer is detected,
then its value is displayed
on the LCD together with
the “REC” message, and the
first calibration point is ac-
• The meter will then require
the second buffer by show-
ing the “pH 4.01 USE” mes-
sage. Immerse the probe
in the second buffer solu-
tion (pH 4.01 or 10.01 or
9.18). If a valid buffer is rec-
ognized, the meter com-
pletes the calibration
procedure, shows the
“OK 2” message for a few
seconds, then returns to
the normal mode.
• If no valid buffer is detected,
the LCD will show the
“WRNG” message.
• For exiting the calibration after the first
point is accepted, press the “ON/OFF”
button: the LCD will show the “OK 1”
message for 1 second and then returns
to the normal mode.
If using pH 4.01 or 10.01 (or 9.18) buffer
for the first calibration point, the meter
will exit the calibration mode after recog-
nizing the buffer value and showing the
“OK 1” message for 1 second.
• To quit the calibration procedure and
return to the last data, press “ON/OFF”
after entering the calibration mode and
before the first point is accepted. The
secondary LCD shows the “ESC” mes-
sage for 1 second and the meter re-
turns to the normal mode.
• To clear a previous calibration and reset
to the default value, press the “SET” key
MA9004 pH 4.01 buffer, 230 ml bottle
M10004B pH 4.01 buffer, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA9006 pH 6.86 buffer, 230 ml bottle
M10006B pH 6.86 buffer, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA9007 pH 7.01 buffer, 230 ml bottle
M10007B pH 7.01 buffer, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA9009 pH 9.18 buffer, 230 ml bottle
M10009B pH 9.18 buffer, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA9010 pH 10.01 buffer, 230 ml bottle
M10010B pH 10.01 buffer, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA9015 Electrode storage solution, 230 ml
MA9016 Cleaning solution, 230 ml bottle
M10016B Cleaning solution, 25 x 20 ml sachet
M10000B Rinse solution, 25 x 20 ml sachet
MA914BR/1 Combination amplified pH/Tem-
perature probe with BNC and
RCA conn. and 1 m cable.
RANGE pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH
Temp (*) -5.0 to 105.0 ºC
23.0 to 221.0 °F
Temp 0.1 °C or 0.1 °F
pH ±0.02 pH
Temp ±0.5°C up to 60°C; ±1°C outside
±1°F up to 140 °F; ±2°F outside
pH ±0.02 pH
Temp ±0.2 °C or ±0.4 °F
Automatic from -5 to 80ºC
CALIBRATION Automatic, at 1 or 2 points
PROBE (included) MA914BR/1
amplified pH/temperature probe
ENVIRONMENT 0 to 50°C; 100% RH max.
BATTERY TYPE 1 x 9V alkaline (included)
BATTERY LIFE approx. 500 hours of use
AUTO-OFF after 8 minutes of non-use
DIMENSIONS 200 × 85 × 50 mm
WEIGHT 260 g (with battery)
The temperature range is limited to 80°C (176°F) if using the
MA914BR/1 probe.
after entering the calibration mode and
before the first point is accepted. The
secondary LCD shows the “CLR” mes-
sage for 1 second, the meter resets to
the default calibration and the “CAL” tag
on the LCD disappears.
The meter shows the remaining battery per-
centage every time it is switched on. When
the battery level is below 5%, the battery
symbol on the bottom left of the LCD lights
up to indicate a low battery condition.
The meter is also provided with BEPS (Bat-
tery Error Prevention System), which
automatically switches the meter off if the
battery level is so low to cause erroneous
It is recommended to replace immediately
the battery.
Turn the meter off, re-
move the battery com-
partment cover from the
rear of the meter and re-
place the rundown 9V
battery with a new one.
Install the battery while
paying attention to its
polarity and reattach the
This instrument is warranted from all defects in materi-
als and manufacturing for a period of two years from
the date of purchase.
The probe is warranted for a period of six months.
If during this period the repair or replacement of parts
is required, where the damage is not due to negligence
or erroneous operation by the user, please return the
parts to either distributor or our office and the repair will
be effected free of charge.
Damages due to accident, misuse, tampering or lack
of prescribed maintenance are not covered.
Note: We reserve the right to modify the design,
construction and appearance of our products
without advance notice.