Balanced Input Connector
These connectors connect the input signal of channel1 and channel 2 separately.
Balanced Output Connector
These two output connectors are paralleled inside with input connectors. It enables the unit work under
paralleled mode. Please also refer to wiring diagram for paralleled mode.
Mode Selector
Total two optional modes: Up for Stereo mode; Down for Bridge mode.
- Stereo
In this mode, Channel 1 and Channel 2 operate independently ( just as traditional stereo amplifier). The signal
input into channel 1 can be output from channel 1 only, similarly, the signal input into channel 2 can be output
from channel 2 only.
You can also operate the paralleled mode via outside wiring, so, the signal input from channel 1 or 2 will be output
from both channel 1 and 2 simultaneously. Details refer to the chapter 4.
- Bridge
In this mode, the signal input into channel 1 will be output from the bridged end, on other hand, the output
level control of channel 2 should be turn down to smallest.
The fan can accelerate the flow of air to lower the temperature inside unit. The inside temperature determines
the fan speed which controls the inside air flowing speed.
Power Source Socket
It is used to connect power cord, after setting the proper voltage, connect one end of power cord with the unit
and another end with mains.
Manual Reset Pushing-Button
This switch works as fuse for protecting the unit from damage. When the unit is overloaded or the temperature
inside the unit is too high, this pushing-button will spring up and break the power supply. The power supply will
be restored with pushing this switch down again.
Output Connector
These connectors have two kinds: Binding post and Neutrik connector. You can choose proper connectors
according to practical need. For your safety, please be careful when do connecting work.
Clip Switch
Set this switch at "ON" position, once the output level is above maximum output level, the clip begin, thus keeping
consistent output level for protecting apparatus. If the switch is set at "OFF", this clip function doesn't work.