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12.7 Teaching
Enter the feed address of the axis moved by JOG or MPG operation into the
address of the positioning data.
1. Perform the basic operation steps 1 to 3 in Section 11.2.1 to display the Test
start/set dialog box.
2. Click the "JOG"/"MPG" button in the Test start/set dialog box to show the
Operation test dialog box.
3. Perform JOG operation (refer to Section 11.2.6) or MPG operation (refer to
Section 11.2.7) to move the axis.
4. Click the "Close" button in the Operation test dialog box.
5. Click the "Edit" button in the Test start/set dialog box.
6. Set the control method on the positioning data edit main screen, and move the
cursor to the item (address, address (interpolation), arc address, arc address
(interpolation)) of the positioning data No. where the feed address will be
7. Clicking the "Teaching" button in the Test start/set dialog box sets the feed
address in the item where the cursor is located.
8. To continue teaching by moving the axis, click the "Edit" check box in the the
Test start/set dialog box to uncheck.
9. Repeat the basic operation steps 2 to 7 to continue teaching.
10. To end teaching, click the "Exit" button.
11. Clicking the "OK" button in the test mode end confirmation dialog box returns
to the positioning data monitoring status.
12. By clicking the [Online] → [Monitor] → [Monitor start] menu to terminate
monitoring, the following dialog box appears.
Click the "Yes" button.