Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
B Instruction Execution Time
B-4 Applied Instruction Execution Time
Data operation
ZRST(D) 11.1 + 0.19n ⎯ 0.325 ⎯ n: Number of reset points
ZRST(T) 17.1 + 0.23n ⎯ 0.325 ⎯ n: Number of reset points
ZRST(M) 20.7 + 0.02n ⎯ 0.325 ⎯ n: Number of reset points
41 DECO 13.5 ⎯ 0.455 ⎯
42 ENCO 18.0 ⎯ 0.455 ⎯
43 SUM 12.7 16.9 0.325 0.585
44 BON 14.4 15.1 0.455 0.845
45 MEAN 11.8 + 0.41n 17.8 + 2.13n 0.455 0.845
46 ANS 20.4 ⎯ 19.7 ⎯
47 ANR 7.0 ⎯ 0.065 ⎯
48 SQR 9.7 12.1 0.325 0.585
49 FLT 9.8 9.5 0.325 0.585
High-speed processing
50 REF 4.5 + 1.39n ⎯ 0.325 ⎯
51 REFF 14.4 + 0.24n ⎯ 0.195 ⎯
52 MTR 5.9 ⎯ 5.5 ⎯
53 HSCS ⎯ 20.0 ⎯ 0.845
54 HSCR ⎯ 20.0 ⎯ 0.845
55 HSZ ⎯ 22.0 ⎯ 1.105
56 SPD 16.0 16.0 12.6 12.6
57 PLSY 20.0 13.6 6.9 6.9
58 PWM 10.6 ⎯ 6.2 ⎯
59 PLSR 11.2 11.2 7.0 7.0
Handy instructions
60 IST 28.5 ⎯ 0.455 ⎯
61 SER 16.4 + 1.4n 18.5 + 2.13n 0.585 1.105
62 ABSD 19 + 0.85n 20.0 + 1.23n 0.585 1.105
63 INCD 23.7 ⎯ 6.5 ⎯
64 TTMR 10.4 ⎯ 9.2 ⎯
65 STMR 19.0 ⎯ 21.0 ⎯
66 ALT 11.6 ⎯ 0.2 ⎯
67 RAMP 15.0 ⎯ 7.5 ⎯
68 ROTC 25.8 ⎯ 24.8 ⎯
69 SORT 18.4 ⎯ 6.6 ⎯
External FX I/O device
70 TKY 21.5 21.8 5.2 5.2
71 HKY 32.0 32.3 5.7 5.7
72 DSW 26.8 ⎯ 22.1 ⎯
73 SEGD 10.8 ⎯ 0.325 ⎯
74 SEGL 22.3 ⎯ 7.5 ⎯
75 ARWS 28.8 ⎯ 5.2 ⎯
76 ASC 19.8 ⎯ 0.715 ⎯
77 PR 24.0 ⎯ 13.6 ⎯
Execution time in ON status (µs) Execution time in OFF status (µs)
16-bit instruction 32-bit instruction 16-bit instruction 32-bit instruction