- 1-20 -
(4) Click “CD-ROM Drive(C)” and “(L)”, and
click “Next”. Figure 14 will appear.
(5) Click “Finish” on Figure 14 and Figure 15
will appear. Click “OK” on Figure 15 to
complete Enumeration of Mitsubishi Moni-
tor Function.
You can confirm that Enumeration of Mitsubishi
Monitor Function is successfull with the follow-
ing method.
• Open “Device Manager” tab in “System”
property under “Control Panel”. Confirm
that “HID-compliant Device” and “USB
Human Interface Device (or Mitsubishi USB
Monitor)” are listed in “Human Interface
Device”. If you can’t confirm it, re-enumer-
ate “Mitsubishi Monitor Function” again by
following (a) or (b).
(a) Disconnect and connect the USB cable to
the upstream port of the display monitor.
(b) Power Off/On the display monitor.
If the mark appears with “HID-Compliant
Device” and/or “USB Human Interface
Device (or Mitsubishi USB Monitor)”, the
enumeration was unsuccessful. Select
“HID-Compliant Device “and/or “USB Hu-
man Interface Device (or Mitsubishi USB
Monitor) marked with mark and click
“Remove” and “Refresh”. After that, the
enumeration is automatically started.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16