Troubleshooting 21
TV Power On/Off
Symptom Remarks
1. TV takes an excessively long time to power
When powered on, the TV needs time to boot up, just as a com-
puter does. Also, the TV’s lamp requires a few moments to heat
up to full brightness.
2. You cannot program the TV to turn on auto-
matically (Timer function).
• TheTVmaybelocked.
• Theclockmaynotbeset.
3. TV turned itself off and the light on the front
panel started to blink.
• MomentarypowerfluctuationcausedtheTVtoturnoffto
prevent damage. Power on the TV and wait for the lamp to
• IftheTVdoesnotstayon,pressthePOWERbuttononthe
control panel for ten seconds to perform System Reset. If
this happens frequently, obtain an AC line power condi-
tioner/surge protector.
An unusual digital signal may have been received, triggering a
protection circuit. Power on the TV.
4. TV will not power off. Press the POWER button on the control panel for about ten
seconds to perform System Reset.
TV Channels
Symptom Remarks
The TV takes several seconds to respond to
channel changes.
• Itisnormalfordigitalchannelstotakelongertotunein.
• PressENTERafterenteringachannelnumbertoavoid
• Usea4-digitnumberforanover-the-airdigitalchannel.
• Usea6-digitnumberfordigitalcablechannelsifyourcable
service is able to recognize 6-digit channel numbers.
You cannot access a channel.
• UsenumberkeysinsteadofCHANNELUp/Down.
• Besurethechannelyouwanttoviewisinmemory.
• CheckthattheTVisswitchedtothecorrectdeviceor
antenna for that channel by pressing the ACTIVITY key.
• MakesuretheLock>ParentmenulockissettoOff.
• Ifyoucannottunetoavirtualdigitalchanneleventhough
the TV has already memorized digital channels, tune to the
physical channel number used by the broadcaster. The
virtual channel will then be automatically added to memory.
• Youmaybetryingtotunetoananalogchannelthatisno
longer broadcasting.
3. When ChannelView list is displayed, informa-
tion appears incomplete
• Programinformationisdisplayedonlyforchannelstuned
during the most recent power-on.
• Availableinformationissentfromthebroadcasterorcable
provider. No other data is available.
• MakesuretheTVclockissetcorrectly.
• PressINFOtoupdatethedisplay.