WR / WC Series Woodburning Fireplace
The following accessories for this appliance are available from your local MHSC distributor. Should you need addi-
tional information beyond what your distributor can furnish, contact: MHSC, 149 Cleveland Drive, Paris, KY 40361,
Attn: Technical Services.
Glass Door — Standard Bi-Fold door set Brushed Brass finish 36GDKBBSR (WR/WC400)
Black finish 36GDKBKSR (WR/WC400)
Polished Brass finish 36GDKDPSR (WR/WC400)
Pewter finish 36GDKSSR (WR/WC400)
Fan Kit Provides forced air flow FK12
Variable Speed Control Provides speed adjustment of fans SCVS
Outside Air Termination Completes connection from air kit to out-of-doors AK-MST
Chimney Adapter Converts fireplace to 3-wall system TWABR
Hearth Extension Insulation Provides hearth extension floor protection EH2416
Grate WR/WC400/500 Holds firewood in firebox RSBG36
Hearth Patch Compound Patch cracks in hearth HPC-1