
No “Source” indicated on LEDs - Check for bad cable, or cable plugged into the wrong output on the transport.
No sound - Check that source is valid audio source. Change to a standard CD just to be sure. Check that analog outputs are connected properly. Check
that volume is turned up.
Still no sound - connect an analog output from the source directly to the volume control. Verify that the rest of the system is working. Now move the
same analog cable to the DAC and plug in a digital source. You should hear a click and the front display should indicate frequency.
You hear audio clipping (with outboard preamp) - the output level may be too high for your preamp. Check the input specifications on your preamp.
(See Platinum specs). Turn the volume down to -6 dB. This provides the standard 2 V RMS industry specification.
The unit does not work powered on 240V - unplug power quickly or capacitors may smoke. The unit is configured for 120V. Check voltage selector
on back.
Frequency readout is off - The Platinum upsamples to 4 times a 44.1K source rate which should be 176.4. All other sources upsample to 192K The
Platinum reads out the actual precise frequency. Some transports are not exactly on the required frequency and the error will be seen. Belt drive transports
tend to wander.
With no input, a free running oscillator may show a low frequency. This is normal.
96K source indicates 48k on front panel - Check setup menu of DVD player. Digital output should be set for 96k output. Some models do not support
this feature and downmix to 48k.
DVD-A source does not indicates 192k - DVD-A players must be upgraded to provide a true 192K output. Production players downmix to 48K.
Many DVD-A disks are produced in 44.1, 48 and 96k as well.
All MSB products carry a one year warranty. No returns accepted without an RMA. Upon receipt, MSB will repair or replace any defective product.
All product shipped FOB La Honda. Shipping and shipping damage is the responsibility of the consignee.
Upgrades and Modifications
Removal of the cover - Unplug the AC power. Work on a soft scratch resistant surface like a carpeted floor. Start with the unit upside down and remove
three screws located along the front edge of the cover. Then turn the unit over and remove the three screws along the back edge of the cover. Loosen the
four screws holding the endcaps on as they may prevent the cover from moving easily. Slide the cover toward the front of the unit and lift off. Turn and
place carefully as a cable is attached. Now the upgrades may be installed.
Removal of the volume modules - The volume modules can be unplugged from the Platinum mother board. They are held in place with two plastic
snaps which can be released by pinching together. The boards are automatically detected, so when unplugged the DAC will output the same level signal
as it would with them plugged in at 0 dB. The volume knob will now select the input and the remote volume buttons will have no effect.
Signature DAC Upgrade - Provides hand matched DAC modules for superior sound quality. These DACs can run at twice the speed (384kHz
sampling rate) with 1/2 the settling time. The noise level is cut to 1/3 the normal value and the signal-to-noise ratio is up to 145 db. They are user installable
and come as a matched set of four, replacing the existing DACs. These DACs will work in all versions of the Platinum DAC or CD player. User installable.
Signature Volume Control
Upgrade - Provides hand matched
high precision resistors for superior
sound quality. Custom tailored for
your system. User installable.
Signature DAC and Volume
Control Installed at Factory -
This signature series upgrade is
available for both the DAC II and
CD STATION II. Factory installed
Volume Control Boards