© National Instruments Corporation A-1 PCI-Based MXI-2 Interface for Windows
Default Settings
This section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for the
hardware and software in your kit. For more information about a particular
setting, or to try a different configuration, refer to the appropriate hardware
or software chapters in this documentation set. Refer to the MXI-2
Configuration Reference Manual for your hardware reference and the
MAX help for your software reference.
PCI-MXI-2/PCI-MXI-2 Universal/PXI-8320
This section summarizes the hardware and software default settings for the
PCI-MXI-2, PCI-MXI-2 Universal, and PXI-8320.
Hardware Settings
Table A-1.
PCI-MXI-2 Hardware Default Settings
Hardware Component Default Setting
U17Switch1(FOV) OFF: PCI-MXI-2 boots off the
user-configured half of the EEPROM
U17Switch2(TST) OFF: Factory configuration of the
EEPROM is protected
U17Switch3(POS) OFF: Do not alter this setting
U17Switch4(CT) ON: Do not alter this setting
DRAM SIMM installed Per customer order