Chapter 2 New Features in LabVIEW 5.1
National Instruments Corporation 2-29 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
The Report Generation palette has two subpalettes:
• Functions»Report Generation»Report Layout
• Functions»Report Generation»Advanced Reports
You can find examples of the Report Generation VIs in the
Examples\Reports\TextReportExample.llb directory.
Report Generation Parameter Descriptions
This section describes the parameters used by the Report Generation VIs.
append on new line? (F), if the
True value is selected, appends the
information onto a new line in the report. The default value is
center footer text is the information you want to appear in the center
portion of the footer.
center header text is the information you want to appear in the center
portion of the header.
Column Headers determines how each column is labeled in the table.
Column width defines the width of each column in the report’s table. The
value you enter is in inches or centimeters, depending on the settings you
enter in measurement system or measurement system for columns. The
default value is 1.
error in
error out
file path is the path of the text file from which you want to pull information
into your report. You must include the file’s path in this parameter.
Font Settings allows you to set the font of your report.
Charset sets the character set used in the report (such as the set
for a specific language).
Weight sets the characters’ weight.
Name specifies the font used in the report. You can type in the
name of any font available on your system.
The name you enter must match the font name exactly.
Size specifies the size of the font in number of points.