© National Instruments Corporation I-1 NI 1450 Series Compact Vision System User Manual
100 Mbps LED, 3-2
accessories, 2-2
application software
installing LabVIEW, 2-15
installing Vision Builder AI, 2-13
installing Vision Development
Module, 2-15
bandwidth, available (table), 1-3
crossover, 2-3
digital I/O, 2-2
Ethernet crossover, 2-2
Ethernet standard, 2-2
SMB to BNC, 2-3
characteristic impedance, 4-14
calibration certificate, C-2
available bandwidth, 1-3
connecting to the NI 1450, 2-8
digital camera specification, 1-1
video formats, 1-3
COM1, connector signals, 3-10
connecting multiple systems
subnet, 5-2
connectors, 3-6
COM1, 3-10
Ethernet, 3-11
IEEE 1394, 3-8
SMB, 3-6
TRIG 0, 3-11
TRIG 1, 3-11
TRIG 2, 3-11
VGA, 3-8
contacting National Instruments, C-2
conventions used in the manual, v
education, C-1
professional services, C-1
technical support, C-1
DCAM specification, 1-1, G-1
Declaration of Conformity, C-1
deployment, 5-1
development computer
connecting to NI 1450, 2-12
connecting to NI 1450 system, 2-11
installing application software, 2-13
installing LabVIEW, 2-15
installing Vision Development
Module, 2-15
diagnostic resources, C-1
digital camera specification, 1-1
digital I/O
44-pin DSUB, 3-11
cable, D44, 3-11
connection considerations, 4-11
connector (table), 3-6
connector pinout (diagram), 3-12
connector signals (table), 3-12
examples (LabVIEW RT), 4-1
external load, wiring, 4-12
general-purpose, 3-11