Chapter 4 Performing Particle Analysis
© National Instruments Corporation 4-5 IMAQ Vision for Visual Basic User Manual
cwimaqMeasurementAverageHorizSegmentLength Average length of a horizontal segment
in the particle.
cwimaqMeasurementAverageVertSegmentLength Average length of a vertical segment in
the particle.
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectBottom Y-coordinate of the lowest particle point.
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectDiagonal Distance between opposite corners of
the bounding rectangle.
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectHeight Distance between the Y-coordinate
of highest particle point and the
Y-coordinate of the lowest particle point.
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectLeft X-coordinate of the leftmost particle
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectRight X-coordinate of the rightmost particle
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectTop Y-coordinate of highest particle point.
cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectWidth Distance between the X-coordinate
of the leftmost particle point and the
X-coordinate of the rightmost particle
cwimaqMeasurementCenterMassX X-coordinate of the point representing
the average position of the total particle
mass assuming every point in the
particle has a constant density.
cwimaqMeasurementCenterMassY Y-coordinate of the point representing
the average position of the total particle
mass assuming every point in the
particle has a constant density.
cwimaqMeasurementCompactnessFactor Area divided by the product of
Bounding Rect Width and Bounding
Rect Height.
cwimaqMeasurementConvexHullArea Area of the smallest convex polygon
containing all points in the particle.
Table 4-1. Measurement Types (Continued)
Measurement Description