Chapter 6 LEDs and DIP Switches
© National Instruments Corporation 6-3 NI 17xx Smart Camera User Manual
Table 6-1. STATUS LED Indications
Solid Green The smart camera initialized successfully and is ready for use.
1 Flash Green The smart camera IP address or software is unconfigured. The smart
camera ships from the factory unconfigured. The smart camera also
enters the unconfigured state if it is configured for DHCP and no
DHCP server is available. Use MAX or Vision Builder AI to
configure the smart camera. Refer to Getting Started with the
NI 17xx Smart Camera for information about configuring the
smart camera.
2 Flashes Green The smart camera detects an error in the software configuration.
The camera has automatically started up into safe mode, regardless
of the SAFE MODE DIP switch position. This usually occurs when
an attempt to upgrade the software is interrupted or if system files
are deleted from the smart camera. Reinstall software on the smart
camera. Refer to Getting Started with the NI 17xx Smart Camera for
information about installing software on the smart camera.
3 Flashes Green The smart camera is in safe mode because the SAFE MODE DIP
switch is in the ON position. Refer to the Configuring DIP Switches
section for information about the SAFE MODE DIP switch.
4 Flashes Green The smart camera has experienced two consecutive software
exceptions. The smart camera automatically restarts after an
exception. After the second exception, the smart camera remains in
the exception state, alerting you to resolve the problem. Reinstall
software on the smart camera or contact National Instruments for
assistance. Refer to Getting Started with the NI 17xx Smart Camera
for information about installing software on the smart camera.
5 Flashes Green The smart camera detects a critical error. Reinstall software on
the smart camera or contact National Instruments for assistance.
Refer to Getting Started with the NI 17xx Smart Camera for
information about installing software on the smart camera.
Flashing Red The smart camera detects a software crash or hang.
Contact National Instruments for assistance.
Solid Red The smart camera detects a critical firmware error. Contact National
Instruments for assistance.