New Holland
Mower-Conditioner Specifications
472 488 499
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MODEL 472 488 499
ONDITIONER Chevron-design intermeshing Chevron-design intermeshing Chevron-design intermeshing
rubber rolls rubber rolls rubber rolls
Roll length (crushing area), in. (mm) 85 (2159) 102 (2591) 110 (2794)
Roll diameter, in. (mm) 7-3⁄4 (199) 10-3⁄8 (264) 10-3⁄8 (264)
Drives Individual, #50 roller chain Individual, #50 roller chain Gear/shaft
Speed, rpm 818 637 665
Pressure, lbs./in. (N/mm) 2 to 38 of roll length 2 to 38 of roll length 2 to 38 of roll length
(0.3 to 6.6) (0.3 to 6.6) (0.3 to 6.6)
Material discharge, in. (mm) Adjustable gate for swath, Adjustable gate for swath, Adjustable gate for swath,
windrow or intermediate widths. windrow or intermediate widths. windrow or intermediate widths.
Infinitely variable between Infinitely variable between 11 settings between
38 (965) and 72 (1829) 38 (965) and 96 (2438) 38 (965) and 100 (2540)
OPERATING SPEED, mph (kph) up to 8 (13) up to 8 (13) up to 8 (13)
Maximum safe transport speed,
mph (kph) 25 (40) 25 (40) 25 (40)
TIRES 25 x 7.50-15 flotation 27 x 9.50-15 flotation 11L x 14 4-ply agricultural
implement (HUT)
HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS Optional header lift Optional header lift Standard header lift
Standard tongue shift
• Standard or stub guards (472, 488)
• Crop dividers (right-hand standard; left-hand optional on 472, 488)
• Push-bar extension (472, 488)
• Hydraulic lift kit (standard on 499)
• Reel speed reduction kit (499)
• Hydraulic guard angle adjustment kit (499 only)
• Spare-knife holder kit (standard on 499)
• Center skid shoe kit (499 only)
• Safety tow chain
• Knife assembly storage (std on 499, OPT on 472, 488)
Safety begins with a thorough understanding of
the equipment. Always make sure you and
your operators read the Operator’s Manual
before using the equipment. Pay close
attention to all safety and operating
decals and never operate machinery
without all shields, protective devices
and structures in place.
Design, materials and/or specifications are subject to
change without notice and without liability therefor.
Specifications are applicable to units sold in Canada, the
United States, its territories and possessions, and may
vary outside these areas.
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New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
Visit our Web site at www.newholland.com/na. Or, call toll-free 866-NEW-HLND (866-639-4563).