
- inspect the range finder exterior for physical damage (no
cracks, dents, deep rust are admitted);
- check the dehydrator for working condition.
If the silica gel is pink in color, replace it with the new one taken
from individual SPTA set (item 11.6.3);
- place the battery in operation as directed in Section 16 of
Operating instructions.
(The Rechargeable battery is supplied uncharged).
To secure trouble-free operation of the range finder:
- be prompt in replacing the Rechargeable battery by freshly
charged when the red LED in the left-hand eyepiece of the range finder
starts to illuminate;
- keep the range finder dry at all times especially in the cold
season of the year;
- after exposure to subzero temperatures keep the range finder at
room temperature for at least two hours before unpacking and then mop
up the condensed moisture;
- while operating the range finder at temperatures above 35˚ C
and exposing to direct sunrays, attach cover AEP 42.63.021 taken from
individual SPTA set to keep away sunlight. Moistening the cover with
water is permitted to cool off the range finder.
After replacement of emitter and (or) control circuit board make entries in
Section 4 of Operating instructions as to their new serial numbers and
basic characteristics.
The following abbreviations are used herein:
AC ckt – automatic control circuit,
AI – Angular Mount,
CD – charging device,
DCC – direct current converter,
ER "0" – zero elevation reference,
F ckt – firing circuit,
IDA – information display assembly,
OP – observation post,
PD – protective device,
PhD – photodetector (assembly),
SB – Rechargeable battery,
SPTA – spare parts, tools and accessories,
TSGC – time sensitivity gain control,
TIC – time-interval counter.