2.11 Special NMEA sentences
The Server can read 2 special NMEA sentences which can be send from a PC.
One contains TBS (target boat speed), the other CAD (customised angle data )
and CFD (customised fixpoint data ). These 3 data are retransmitted on the
Nexus Network and can be displayed as a sub-function on the Multi Control
To get the sub-function TBS, select main function SPEED and the ”empty” sub-
function.Then press PAGE and SET together followed by CLEAR.
To get the sub-function CAD, select main function NAVIGATE and the ”empty”
sub-function.Then press PAGE and SET together followed by CLEAR.
To get the sub-function CFD, select main function WIND and the ”empty” sub-
function.Then press PAGE and SET together followed by CLEAR.
Example of special NMEA-sentence:
Target boat speed
CAD (000.0°-360.0°)
CFD (-327.67- +327.67 units)
2.11.1 Baudrate control,
It is possible to change the baudrate from 4800bps to 19200bps.
To do that, a PC is required. Note 19200 is not to be considered
as NMEA since the standard states 4800.
a. The Requesting unit is allowed to transmit the message:
once every 2s at nominal 4800 bps with normal NMEA start bit and stop bit settings.
This message may be received on any of the two Server ports.
b. The receiving unit (NX2 Server) will Confirm message:
and send it back on output ports to the requesting unit.
c. When the requesting unit receives the same message but with the flag set to "C"
(Confirmed), both server ports (A and B) are set to 19200bps and transmission may
start at the new baudrate. The sending unit may now stop sending the proprietary
request message since it has entered the higher baudrate. There is no way back
unless there is a power loss.
From power up, baudrate is always set to 4800 and the above procedure must be
The receiving unit (Nexus Server) will always check for the proprietary message when
in normal baudrate, not when in high baudrate.