1 Quick Start
14 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
Syntax: log [port],datatype,[trigger],[period],[offset],{hold}
The syntax for a command can contain optional parameters (OPT1, OPT2, ...). OPT2 may only be used if it
is preceded by OPT1. OPT3 may only be used if it is preceded by OPT2 and so on. Parameters after and
including OPT1 will be surrounded by square brackets.
An optional parameter such as {hold} surrounded by braces may be used with the log command without any
preceding optional parameters. Example:
log com1 posa 60 1 hold
log com1 posa hold
log com1,posa,ontime,60,1
If the
LOG syntax does not include a trigger type, it will be output only once following execution of the LOG
command. If trigger type is specified in the LOG syntax, the log will continue to be output based on the trigger
specification. Specific logs can be disabled using the
UNLOG command, whereas all enabled logs will be disabled
by using the
UNLOGALL command (see Chapter 2, Page 23 and Appendix C, Page 79). All activated logs will be
listed in the receiver configuration status log (
RCCA), Page 190.
The [port] parameter is optional. If [port] is not specified, [port] is defaulted to the port that the command was
received on.
Syntax Description Example
port COM1 or COM2 Defaults to the port that the command was entered on. COM1
datatype Enter one of the valid ASCII or Binary Data Logs (see Chapter 4, Page 34 and Appendix D, Page 136) POSA
trigger Enter one of the following triggers. ONTIME
ONCE Immediately logs the selected data to the selected port once. Default if trigger field is left
ONMARK Logs the selected data when a MARKIN electrical event is detected. Outputs internal buffers
at time of mark - does not extrapolate to mark time. Use MKPA/B for extrapolated position
at time of mark.
ONNEW Logs the selected data each time the data is new even if the data is unchanged.
ONCHANGED Logs the selected data only when the data has changed.
[period], [offset]
Immediately logs the selected data and then periodically logs the selected data at a
frequency determined by the period and offset parameters. The logging will continue until
an UNLOG command pertaining to the selected data item is received (see UNLOG
Command, Page 132).
CONTINUOUSLY Will log the data all the time. The GPSCard will generate a new log when the output buffer
associated with the chosen port becomes empty. The continuously option was designed for
use with differential corrections over low bit rate data links. This will provide optimal record
generation rates. The next record will not be generated until the last byte of the previous
record is loaded into the output buffer of the UART.
period Use only with the
trigger. Units for this parameter are seconds. The selected period may be any of the
following values: 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 3, ... , 3600 seconds but may be limited by the GPSCard model
and previously requested logs. Selected data is logged immediately and then periodic logging of the data will start
at the next even multiple of the period. If a period of 0.20 sec is chosen, then data will be logged when the receiver
time is at the 0.20, 0.40, 0.60 and the next (0.80) second marks. If the period is 15 seconds, then the logger will
log the data when the receiver time is at even 1/4 minute marks. The same rule applies even if the chosen period
is not divisible into its next second or minute marks. If a period of 7 seconds is chosen, then the logger will log at
the multiples of 7 seconds less than 60, that is, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 and every 7 seconds thereafter.
offset Use only with the
trigger. Units for this parameter are seconds. It provides the ability to offset the
logging events from the above startup rule. If you wished to log data at 1 second after every minute you would set
the period to 60 seconds and the offset to 1 second (Default is 0).
hold Will prevent a log from being removed when the UNLOGALL command is issued HOLD
Range Value Default