
CrossFire 8600/8605 Token-Ring Switches v. 1.2, P/N: 710001641 Switch Configuration
Remote Box Number(s)
Number of switches (in addition to this one) in the stack. Information in this field
cannot be changed.
Stack Time-out
If a switch goes off line, the length of time (in seconds) during which the stack tries
to reestablish communication with the switch. The default is 16 seconds.
Stack State
Whether the CrossFire Switch Stacker is operational (CrossFire 8630 or CrossFire
8635). Information in this field cannot be changed.
Stack Connection
Whether the CrossFire 8300 Switch Stacker is connected. Information in this field
cannot be changed.
Module Information Screen
If expansion modules have been installed, this menu provides information on them.
The switch is listed as the first module.
The following information is displayed on this screen:
Module number. The switch is listed as module 1. Expansion cards are listed as
module 2 and module 3. The stack port is listed as module 4.