Using Voice Recognition Software (Optional)
Using Voice Recognition Software (Optional)
Executing Voice Recognition
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Select the folder.
Select the folder containing the
dictation file you want to process with
voice recognition from the Dictation
Tree View.
Select the dictation file.
Select the desired dictation file to
process with voice recognition from
the Dictation List View.
Start of voice recognition.
Click the icon.
The voice recognition software
window appears and voice recognition
Noise Canceling Function
Check [Use Noise Cancel] in the [Voice Recognition]
menu to output voice using the noise canceling function
to the voice recognition software.
Check the voice recognition software operating manual
for voice recognition functions such as modifying converted
The DSS Player provides a link in the menu for IBM ViaVoice Voice Recognition software. You
can easily access the menu and initiate voice recognition on any of the DSS file in the Dictation
List View.