OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Data Logging OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server
File Format - Error Log
The log record format is as follows:
hh:mm:ss,mm/dd/yyyy,Error number,Error Msg,Online Flag,DeviceLabel
hh:mm:ss is the time (ex. 23:40:50)
mm/dd/yyyy is the date (ex. 02/03/99)
Error number-- Error number as docummented for OPC variable SERVER!ErrorNo
Error Msg - Error message string
Online Flag - Is device considered Online?
DeviceLabel - Name of the device
Example error log:
10:26:30,04/16/1998,-48,CRC16 or Time Out,1,TEMP8
10:26:30,04/16/1998,-48,CRC16 or Time Out1,TEMP9