
Section 4 Communicating Using 2DCR Configear
User’s Manual
Section 4
System Settings
Communicating Using 2DCR Configear
The 2DCR Configear can be used to communicate with the Handheld 2D Code Reader.
Communication Setting
The following items can be set. However, the settings cannot be changed while the port
is being connected.
The default settings are indicated with an asterisk.
Setting item Settings
Port No. COM1
to COM 9
Baud Rate 9,600
, 19,200, or 38,400
Parity None
, odd, or even
Data Length 77 bits or 8 bits
Stop Bit 1 bit
or 2 bits
Header/Footer Prefix Send None*, 02 <STX>, or 1B <ESC>
Receive None*, 02 <STX>, or 1B <ESC>
Suffix Send ETX, 0A LF, 0D CR
, or 0D0A CR+LF
Receive ETX, 0A LF, 0D CR
, or 0D0A CR+LF
FCS Send ON or OFF
Receive ON or OFF
Same as Send Sets the header, footer, and FCS for receiving to the same settings as for