Trouble Cause Remedy
The power does The power cord is not properly Plug the power cord properly into a mains
not turn on plugged in. power supply.
The component where the power cord is Turn on the component into which the
plugged into is not turned on. power cord is plugged.
No sound is The speakers are not properly Connect the speakers following the
output from connected. procedure given in "Connecting the
the speakers CDR-205X"on page 12.
Cannot record The components are not properly Connect the components following the
connected. procedure given in "Connecting the
CDR-205X"on page 12.
A finalized CD-R or CD-RW is being Use an unfinalized disc (see page 32).
The input switch is not properly set. Switch to a properly connected input
source (see page 20, 22, 24, 26, 28).
The recording level adjustment is Adjust the recording level to a proper level
set too low. (see page 29).
Recorded The components are not properly Connect the components following the
sound is connected. procedure given in "Connecting the
distorted CDR-205X"on page 12.
Recording is being affected by Either turn off the television or move the
the television. CDR-205X away from the television.
The disc is damaged or cracked. Use another disc.
The recording level adjustment is Adjust the recording level to a proper level
set too high. (see page 29).
The disc is too dirty. Clean the disc.
Remote controller The remote controller batteries Replace all the remote controller batteries
does not work are dead. with new batteries (see page 8-9).
There is an object between the Remove the obstructing object (see page 8-9).
CDR-205X and the remote controller
obstructing the signals.
The remote controller is being used Use the remote controller within its
outside of its operational range. operational range (see page 8-9).
A track is skipped The skip play mode is turned on. Using the SKIP PLAY button,
during playback turn off the skip play mode (see page 39).
A track is not The skip play mode is turned off. Using the SKIP PLAY button,
properly skipped. turn on the skip play mode (see page 39).
A recorded • The disc was not finalized • Perform the finalization process
CD-R cannot after recording. (see page 32).
be played in • The CD-R indicator lights when
normal CD the disc is played with the
players CDR-205X
Troubleshooting guide