2B Move Around on Your Phone 69
Move Around
Ⅲ To find the most recently added apps: Tap Recent.
Ⅲ To find the most popular apps: Tap Popular.
4. (Optional) To sort the list of applications or your
browse results by date, name, rating, or price, tap
one of the icons at the bottom of the screen, and
tap a sort method.
5. When the app you want appears, tap the name to
display app details.
6. On the app details screen, do any of the following:
Ⅲ Tap a screenshot to see a larger view.
Ⅲ Tap Reviews to read all reviews.
Ⅲ Tap Share and then tap Email or Text Message to
send a link to the app.
Ⅲ Tap Developer Website to go to the app
developer’s home page.
Ⅲ If available, tap Support to go to the developer’s
product support page.
Did You Know? In a tag cloud, categories that have more
items or more popular items appear in a
larger font size, giving you a visual clue as to
which categories you might want to explore.