Creating a contact
4. After you finish entering information, tap Done.
To create a contact that always appears at the top of the Contacts list, begin the
Last name or Company field with a symbol, as in *If Found Call*. This contact can
contain contact information in case you lose your handheld.
To enter contact birthday information, do the
1. Tap in the box, use the left and right arrows to
scroll to the year you want, and then tap to select
the birth month and date (or tap Today to select
the current date as the birthday).
If you do not select a year, the current year
is displayed. Tap and hold the left or right arrow
to scroll quickly through the years.
2. If you want a reminder, select the Reminder
check box, enter the number of days in advance
of the birthday that you want the reminder to
appear, and then tap OK.
Birthdays you enter in Contacts appear
as untimed events in Calendar. If you update
the birthday in Contacts, it automatically
updates in Calendar as well.
Field name Feature