conflicts with 267
installing 269
troubleshooting 259
uninstalling 267
updating 257
Software Installation CD 259
songlists. See playlists
songs. See music
Sort by check box 201
Sort by Date command 118
Sort by Name command 118
Sort command 118
Sort contacts by availability
setting 147
contacts 66, 69, 147
messages 101, 118
tasks 201
Sound & Alerts Preferences
screen 195
sound clips 114, 115, 117
Sound Off position (ringer)
56, 237
Sound On position (ringer)
sounds 114, 195, 196, 237
Sounds button 237
space (device) 26, 280
Space key 39
speaker 16
speakerphone 22, 59, 140,
Speakerphone button 59
special characters 40, 42,
speed-dial buttons 54, 71–72
speed-dial icon 54
spreadsheets 98, 205
starting chat sessions 119
static 272
, 274
static electricity 290
statistical functions 213
statistical information 218
status icons 83–85, 101
stereo adapters 74, 180
stereo headsets 74, 180
Sto button (calculator) 213
Centro 16, 17
information 209, 229, 280
music files 182
notes 206
photos 169, 171
videos 169, 173
streaming content 157, 288
style sheets 153, 159
stylus 35, 37, 38
support (AT&T) 12
support (Palm) 12
Swap button 62
SXGA digital camera. See
symbols 40, 42, 66, 114
sync. See synchronization
sync button 31, 182
sync cable 31
sync connector pin 16
Bluetooth devices and
163, 225, 227
changing defaults for 223,
224, 225, 233
device names and 28
Exchange ActiveSync and
IR ports and 228–229
offline 269
Outlook and
rview 30, 209
precautions for 26
removing apps and 217
setting up device for 25–
starting 31
third-party applications and
68, 259, 261, 264
troubleshooting 264–271