126 :: Date and time settings
Date and time settings
Setting the date and time
You can use Date & Time Preferences to set the time, date, time zone, and daylight
savings setting for your Treo. By default, your phone synchronizes the date and time
with the Verizon network when Wireless Mode is on and you’re inside a coverage area.
To manually set the date and time, follow these steps:
1. Press Applications Launcher .
2. Choose the pick list in the upper-right corner, then select All.
3. Choose the Prefs icon.
4. Choose the pick list in the upper-right corner, then select Date & Time.
5. Uncheck the Enable Local Network Time box.
6. Choose the Set Date box. Highlight the current year, month, and date, then press
Center to set the date.
7. Choose the Set Time box. Using the stylus, tap the up and down arrows to select
the current time, then choose OK to set the time.
8. Choose the Set Time Zone box. Choose the time zone for your location, then
choose OK.
9. Choose the Daylight Saving pick list, then select On or Off.