transferring multimedia to
transferring music from
125, 126
personal information 129,
189, 192, 195
See also information
personal information
managers 203, 229
personal schedules 133
personalizing smartphone
134, 181
See also preferences
See also phone calls
answering 44, 46
conference calls and 50,
dialing 39–42, 47, 103
dialing preferences for 65
getting started with 13
hands-free devices and
55, 58, 59
hanging up 43, 46, 49, 50
locking 191–192
maximizing battery life and
privacy settings for 66
selecting alert tones for 63
selecting ringtones for 61,
service carrier for 1
silencing ringer for 44, 183
troubleshooting 216–218
turning on and off 37, 38
viewing Call Log for 42
Phone application
accessing Dial Pad in 39,
47, 60
adding caller IDs 64, 65
customizing 60
dialing from 42
displaying events in 134
enabling privacy settings
from 66
finding contacts from
opening 33, 39
overview 35
selecting wallpaper for 60,
setting alert tones 63
setting ringtones 61
setting TTY/TDD
connections 67
status icons for 68–71
turning HAC on/off 68
Phone button 7, 33
Phone Call screen 44
phone calls
See also phone; phone
adding a second 49
adjusting volume for 14,
64, 216
automatically answering
disabling screen for 190
ending 43, 46, 49, 50
forwarding 51
keyboard backlight and 30
making 39, 47, 49, 51
placing on hold 46, 49
receiving 43, 49
restrictions for 47
running applications and
sending to voicemail 44
switching between active
50, 51
text messages and 90
transmitting location
during 67
viewing status of 49
phone indicator. See indicator
Phone Info command 14
Phone Info screen 14