MAPI Acronym for Message Application Programming Interface.
A standard Windows interface for messaging that enables different mail programs and other
mail-aware applications like word processors and spreadsheets to exchange messages and
attachments with each other.
MDN This Message Disposition Notification (MDN) is requested by the sender for a delivery
processing confirmation indicating that the message (email) was read.
Memory Transmission The documents are scanned into memory before actual connection to the phone line for
MIME (Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extension)
A standard used for attaching non-text (image) files to Internet email messages.
Modem A device that converts signals from your fax machine into signals that can be transmitted
over telephone lines.
The ability to broadcast the same set of documents to a programmed number of locations.
Multiple Logo The user can select one of 25 preset LOGOs before a transmission.
Network Any time you connect 2 or more computers together so that they can share resources, you
have a computer network. Connect 2 or more networks together and you have an internet.
Network Address An individual 4-digit addressing number assigned to an Address Book station that identifies a
particular station in a relay network.
Network Password A 4-digit password assigned to a network address to prevent unauthorized stations from
accessing a relay station.
Off-hook Dialing The direct dialing of a telephone number with the handset out of the cradle or "off the hook."
On-hook Dialing The direct dialing of a telephone number with the handset in the cradle or "on the hook."
Overlap Printing Documents too long to be reduced are automatically printed on two pages with approximately
13 mm overlap.
Panasonic Super
An electronic image enhancement (Panasonic Super Smoothing) that will create a particular
pattern for the improvement of copy quality.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a universal file format that preserves all the
fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application
and platform used to create it.
Photo A scanning technique to distinguish levels of gray from black and white. Your machine can
detect up to 256 levels of gray in photo mode.
Polling The ability to retrieve a document from another facsimile machine.
Polling Password A 4-digit programmed code that enables the security of a document being polled.
POP (Post Office
POP refers to the way email software such as Eudora or your machine gets email from a mail
You must always have a POP account that you tell your email software to use to retrieve your
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