4 types of light sources available
In addition to our red LED (four-chemical
emitting element) type, the blue, green,
and infrared LED types are also provided
to correspond to your specific application.
Easy code input setting
Every function can be directly set merely by the input of a four digit code (numbers) from the code table. This convenient
feature is easy to set up.
In the event that settings are accidentally changed at the operating site, merely entering the correct code can restore the
original settings. This results in easy and quick maintenance.
Equipped with each type of timer
These sensors are equipped with 3
types of timers, ON-delay, OFF-delay,
and ONE SHOT, for compatibility to
variegated environments.
Ⅵ ON-delay timer
This function is useful for sensing only
objects taking a long time travel.
Ⅵ OFF-delay timer
This function is useful when the
connected device has a slow response
Ⅵ ONE SHOT timer
This function is useful when the input
specifications of the connected device
require a signal of fixed width.
Optical communication function lets
multiple sensors be adjusted all at once
The optical communication function
allows the data that is currently set to
be copied and saved all at once for all
amplifiers connected together from the
right side. This greatly reduces
troublesome setup tasks and makes
setup much smoother.
Selectable cable length
Made available are 3 lengths, 1 m 3.281 ft,
2 m 6.562 ft, and 5 m 16.404 ft, to suit
your application requirements. This helps
reduce the waste caused by cutting cables
and lightens the installation workload.
Invertible digital display
The digital display can be inverted as per its orientation once mounted onto the amplifier.