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Check the gains using the wave form graphics moni-
toring function of PANATERM
, speed monitor (SP)
and/or torque monitor (IM). Adjust the gains. See
"Adjustments" chapter.
Check the load inertia using the wave form graphics moni-
toring function of PANATERM
, speed monitor Check the
coupling between the motor and machine.
Increase the capacity of the motor and amplifier use a geard
motor to decrease inertia ratio.
Check the fitting part of the machine.
If the ambient temperature is higher than the speci-
fied value, install a cooling fan.
Check the cooling fan of the amplifier.
Check the nameplates of the amplifier and motor. For avail-
able combinations between amplifier and motor, see the
instruction manuals or catalogues.
Turn off the power. Rotate the motor shaft by hand to check
whether abnormal sound (rumbling) occurs or not. If it
rumbles, replace it with a new one, or repair it.
Check the voltage at the brake terminal. Apply 24VDC to
release the brake.
Avoid high temperature/humidity, oil, dust and iron pow-
Check the operation pattern, use and working status. This
kind of operation should be avoided.
Overshoot or undershoot
The motor overheats (burnt)
The motor speed does not increase up to the specified value.
The speed (movement) is too large or small.
Gains are not correct.
Load inertia is too large.
Rattling or slip of the machine
Environment (ambient tem-
perature, etc.)
The cooling fan does not work.
The air intake is dirty.
Mismatch between the amplifier
and motor
Motor bearings fail.
The electromagnetic brake is ON
(failure to release the brake).
The motor fails (due to oil, wa-
ter, etc.).
The motor is operated by exter-
nal forces while the dynamic
brake is activated.
The position loop gain is too
The scale is not appropriate.
Adjust the value of Pr10 (position loop gain) to ap-
proximately 100.
Correct the values of Pr46 (numerator of 1st command
pulse ratio), Pr4A (Multiplier of numerator of command
pulse radio) and Pr4B (denominator of pulse command
ratio). See "Details of Parameters" chapter.