Panasonic Protocol Converter Manual V10.2 5Mar 09 Page 5/16
The unit is designed to allow control of 3
party domes from a Panasonic
control system. It can be configured for either 2 wire, half duplex or 4 wire,
full duplex telemetry.
Site communications must be set to either 9600 or 19200 Baud, No parity, 8
data bits and 1 stop bit. (9600 is the preferred baud rate)
It has been tested with the Panasonic SX150 mini matrix, SX550 matrix,
SX650 matrix and HD316 DVR in both 2 and 4 wire modes.
A RS232 serial output is provided via a DB9F to aid with diagnostics and
trouble shooting.
Panasonic Camera Address Range
The converter is designed to respond to a range of 8 camera addresses.
SW5 is used to set the camera range that the converter will respond to. If
the switch is set incorrectly it is possible to cause intermittent or sluggish
control if any camera shares this address.
Output Protocol
SW5 is used to select the protocol of the dome that is to be controlled.
The following page shows the details of SW4 and SW5 switch settings.
SX650 matrix notes.
Poor control including just two speed control can be experienced if the wiring
or switch settings including the 2/4 wire switches on the rear of the matrix
are incorrect.
If these are checked to be correct and control is still poor the matrix firmware
may need upgrading. Please contact your Panasonic service department
who should be able to provide a link the firmware and upgrade software. The
matrix should be running at least V3.01.