Main screen functions
When JPEG Convertor is started, the main screen shown in the illustration
below appears.
# Import Slide button
Imports presentation files created
using Microsoft PowerPoint into
JPEG Convertor.
$ Import file button
Imports image files (JPEG, BMP or
TIFF format) created using other
applications into JPEG Convertor.
% Thumbnail screen
Displays small previews of the
images which have been imported
into JPEG Convertor. If you right-
click on any of the thumbnail images
in this screen, the images can be
displayed in actual size, sorted or
& File menu
Commands such as Import Slide,
Import file, Save to SD Memory
Card, Save to other folder and Close
can be selected from this menu.
( Setting menu
Lets you select the various settings
to be applied (such as DCF format
conversion, thumbnail creation and
size conversion) when images are
) Version
Lets you check the software version
information for JPEG Convertor.
* Slide size list box
Lets you select the image size for
presentation files created using
Microsoft PowerPoint when they are
imported into JPEG Convertor.
+ Picture quality slider
Lets you adjust the quality (compres-
sion rate) of the JPEG images when
they are being saved using the Save
to SD Memory Card and Save to
other folder commands.
- Save to SD Memory Card
Converts imported images into
JPEG images and saves them onto
an SD memory card. When an image
is saved, a new directory is created
in the DCIM directory (created
automatically at this time if it does
not already exist) on the SD memory
. Minimize ( ) button
Minimizes the JPEG Convertor
window and makes it appear as a
button on the taskbar.
/ Maximize ( ) button
Enlarges the JPEG Convertor
window so that it fills the whole of
the screen. When the window is
maximized, click the Restore button
) to return the window to its
previous size.
0 button
Closes JPEG Convertor. It works in
the same way as the Close button.
1 Save to other folder button
Saves the JPEG images to some
other location such as a hard disk or
MO drive.
2 Close button
Works in the same way as the