Power On / Off
When 3D images will be viewed by unspecifi ed number of
people or used for commercial applications, someone in
authority should convey the following precautions.
These precautions should be followed in the home as well.
3D Viewing/ 3D Content/ Viewing distance/ 3D Eyewear
- To enjoy 3D images safely and comfortably, please
read the Operating Instructions fully.
Power ON warning message
The following message may be displayed when turning the unit power ON:
3D Safety Precautions
No activity power off Precautions
’No activity power off’ is enabled.
If “No activity power off” in Setup menu is set to “Enable”, a warning message is displayed every time
the power is turned ON. (see page 42)
These message displays can be set with the following menu: Options menu
3D Safety Precautions (see page 61)
Power On Message (see page 61)
Activate 3D Safety Precautions if you deliver 3D images to unspecifi ed audiences for business or other purposes.
If “3D Function” in “3D Settings” is set to “On”, a warning message is displayed every time the power is
turned ON. (see page 44)