Step 5
Click the [OK] button after selecting "With audio" or
"Without audio" to determine whether or not to down-
load images with audio and "ON" or "OFF" for "Alter
detect" to determine whether or not to attach an
alteration detection code to recorded images to be
→ The file download window will be displayed.
Step 6
Click the [Save] button.
→ The "Save As" window will be displayed.
• When"Withaudio"isselected,the"Download"
window will be displayed again after the download
is complete.
Step 7
Create a new folder in the desired directory and click
the [Save] button.
→ Recorded images and audio will be downloaded
as an image data file (filename.n3r) and an audio
data file (filename.n3a) respectively.
• Ifamessageisdisplayedontheinformationbar,
see page 127.
• Whenplayingonamultiscreen,itisimpossibleto
download recorded images.