March 1999
The ACCULINKR 316x DSU/CSU acts as an interface between the T1 digital
network and the customer premises equipment, converting signals received from
the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) to bipolar signals that can be transmitted
over T1 lines. Typical applications include shared access to network-based
services, Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN) interconnection,
and fractional T1 network applications.
In addition to the T1 network interface and the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1)
interface, the Model 3160 provides two synchronous data ports while the Model
3164 provides four synchronous data ports. The Model 3165 provides one
synchronous data port, but does not provide the DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1)
The Model 3161 (carrier-mounted DSU/CSU) provides two ports in addition to the
DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface and is designed to fit into the COMSPHERE
3000 Series Carrier.
For more information about the carrier-mounted DSU/CSU, refer to the
ACCULINK 3151 CSU and 3161 DSU/CSU General Information Guide
and the
COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier Installation Manual
The DSU/CSU optimizes network performance with a wide range of features such
as the following:
H Software configuration menu displayed via a liquid crystal display (LCD) to
permit quick and easy operation, and elimination of complicated hardware
H Local or remote configuration and operation flexibility.
H Several loopback capabilities and test pattern generators.
H DTE Drop/Insert (DSX-1) capability.
H Alarm message display/print capability.
H Front panel emulation via Windows-based Front Panel Emulation software.