SNMP MIB Objects
November 1998
Near End Group – “dsx1TransmitClockSource” Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 12)
This object specifies the timing source for the transmit clock for this T1 interface.
This object differs from the MIB definition in that it is “read-only” (not read/write)
for DSU/CSUs. Only the following values are supported by the DSU/CSU.
H loopTiming(1) – The recovered receive clock is being used as the transmit
H localTiming(2) – The DSU/CSU’s internal clock is used being as the transmit
H ThroughTiming(3) – The recovered receive clock from another interface (e.g.,
T1, Port, or External) is being used as the transmit clock.
Near End Group – “dsx1Fdl” Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 13)
This object specifies how Facility Data Link is being used. Only the following
values are supported by the DSU/CSU. More than one value may be active at a
H dsx1other(1) – SNMP data is being sent over FDL.
H dsx1Ansi-T1-403(2) – ANSI PRMs are supported on the network interface as
specified by ANSI T1.403.
H dsx1Att-54016(4) – FDL supports the requirements specified by AT&T
publication TR54016.
H dsx1Fdl-none(8) – Indicates that the device does not use FDL.
Near End Group – The DS1 Current Table Objects (dsx1CurrentEntry)
The following DS1 current table objects are provided for the network interface.
Objects in the table that are not listed are not supported and will return an error
status if access is attempted.
H dsx1CurrentIndex – The index that identifies the T1 interface.
H dsx1CurrentESs – Errored Seconds for the current interval.
H dsx1Current SESs – Severely Errored Seconds for the current interval.
H dsx1CurrentUASs – Unavailable Seconds for the current interval.
H dsx1CurrentCSSs – Controlled Slip Seconds for the current interval.
H dsx1CurrentBESs – Bursty Errored Seconds for the current interval.